Sunday, April 21, 2024

Time to speak out

It's probably fair to say "a bit late for speaking out, aren't you". Fair enough but better late than never.
So, what got me motivated today? The short term is "Scum". Mainly the sort of pond life that waste bandwidth on the internet spouting their toxic shite on any subject you could care to name.
Today's example concerns the crap going on over a Met Police sergeant filmed, criticised and roundly slated for doing his job. For those not up to speed here, a Jewish activist popped out from under his rock into the middle of a pro-Palestine demonstration in London. The sergeant advised him, in utterly polite terms, that his appearance in the middle of this demonstration, wearing his skull cap, that it was perhaps unwise, there was a danger some in the pro-Palestine crowd could perhaps cause him some trouble and it would be advisable for him to perhaps leave the scene. The sergeant appeared to me to be looking after the welfare of this idiot and, arguably keeping this whining toad from possible harm. He was trying to prevent what could be a possible breach of the peace and it could be dangerous for the miscreant's health. Remember that; he was trying to avoid a breach of the peace but later video shows him refusing to leave and an officer telling him that, should he continue to refuse, he could be arrested. Well, that's pretty much how policing works for you and me so why not for this dick? Of course, the scavengers and bottom feeders in the Tory party are siezing on this to criticise the Met Police, obviously without bothering to properly check the facts. Situation normal! All we need now is for the Israeli agent, Keir Starmer, to join in.

Without diverting too much, isn't it time for all of us to take a hard look at what is going on in this world in terms of sanctioned slaughter/genocide?
Let's check on the death toll in Gaza; currently being quoted at 34,000. Or 1% of a holocaust. As far as I can see, very few, if any, were killed by Palestinians. I should double check the reports from journalists on the ground in Gaza. Oh bugger! I can't do that as the Israelis are keeping journalists firmly out of Gaza. Aah! That's the freedom we expect our politicians to be supporting and, presumably, our armed forces to be prepared to defend. Meanwhile the same can not be said in this country. Freedom of the Press and freedom of speech no longer exist here in "Good Old Blighty". Still, bugger the Freedom of this, that or the other, as long as we can continue to criticise the Genocide Party currently ruling occupied Palestine. What's that, I hear; I can't say that? But I can. After all we have Freedom of speech, don't we? I can therefore call them what I want (with the notable exception of the term for a clique of well known fascists that begins with N and ends in I).
And, while I am about it, who is sick of hearing the co-called Prime Minister of this country repeating the well worn cliche about Israel being allowed to defend itself and therefore no reason to support a call for a cease fire? Answer me this, you plonker; when does "defending yourself" become vindictiveness? The attack by Hamas (the legitimately elected government of Gaza) on the Israeli kibbutz took place on October 7th. More than 6 months ago. But the current Israeli philosophy seems to be"Kill them all and let God sort it out" (or if you can't get God to join us, just label all the casualties as Hamas leaders, supporters or soldier, regardless of their age). Of course, it is well known that 1 and 2 year old Palestinians are skilled marksmen! (aren't they??)
I am sure this topic will go on for volumes so I shall stop here and upload Part 2 later. 

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