Starting at (or near) the beginning.
The beginning: Having watched, with increasing dismay, a few of your YouTube videos, I thought I ought to go to the actual beginning and watched your first three efforts. I had thought there is obviously something that has triggered all this off. When I got to the end of the third one, I found myself almost sympathising with you, thinking to myself "This bloke may have some serious points to make here. Then a new video popped up, dated March 30th and I watched that. This one actually got me angry with frustration. It was obvious you had taken no notice of my previous comments and seemed hell bent on ploughing your own deluded furrow.
The first signs of this occur when you have a rant about about your company, Exbourne Manor Freehold Limited. I don't remember which videos this appears in (there was more than one occasion). The thrust of your argument here is that you are accusing Jordans Ltd and Swift Incorporations of being fraudulent companies. Neither of these companies is fraudulent or fake. Swift Incoporations Ltd which you claim not to exist was incorporated 22 August 1985. As for Jordans Limited, this company was initially incorporated as 'Hamiplag' in November 1965. In December 1966, Hamiplag registered a name change to Tyndall Registrars Limited, followed by another name change in June 1968 to 'Jordan & Sons Limited'. On 17th June 1996, the name was changed again to 'Jordans Ltd'. I sent you an email which you have been ignoring for a couple of days now so, here is my response to the March 30th video and to my frustration.
When I began watching this video, I took your advice and looked at the various links you offered. One of these, on Rumble offered to teach us how to trace the evidence. First, harsh though it may sound, you haven't a clue how to go about this so you should not be offering this "advice" to anyone. You don't waste a second telling us how this company or that is either a fraudulent company or just plain doesn't exist. And you are wrong in virtually every case.
One of your other links begins with an allegation of Lloyds Bank having supplied you with false/forged statements. Your sole evidence for this being that you don't like the way these "amounts appear in the date columns" (your words). The document I saw (your document) shows an amount in the column headed 'value date'. And what is wrong with that? This indicates that the transaction ocurred on that date. Let's say, for example, that you received a cheque and paid it into your account. The date you pushed the cheque across the counter is one date. The next thing to happen to the cheque will be it either clears (shown to be valid and of worth) or it will be returned as the account it was drawn on has no funds. If it is cleared, the date it is credited to your account in terms of a real asset will be the value date. That, then, would be a good place to indicate the value of that payment.
But, let's get to that chronological beginning
This video starts off with spurious allegations here, there and everywhere. Beginning with Childline, you mention London Law Agency. Not the first time but let's re-hash it. In a related video, you declared this company to be an illegal company.The company is properly registered and still active on Companies House. (for simplicity, refer to Bates Wells & Braithwaite as BWB). BWB began as Bates Wells LLP, incoporated 23 January 2007. The name was changed to BWB London LLP on 25 January 2007 and the change was registered at Companies House 2 Feb 2007. The latest statement with Companies House shows this name is still the current one and the company is still operating.
Your Childline incorporation document shows Bates Wells & Braithwaite "is there on the well as Oyez". I have seen your frothing about "Oyez" on other videos and it is probably about time someone had a go at putting you out of your misery. Did it not strike you that the term "Oyez" is not a company but rather a device or logo of the Solicitors Law Stationery Society. Somebody had to print that form and it was probably the aforementioned Society. I just did something you could have done, I searched the web and came up with an article in a publication named legalii insider, stating how "The Oyez Straker legal forms-to-stationery supplies and digital dictation systems group has been bought by venture capitalists Hermes Private Equity for £80 million. It has acquired the business from the rival private-equity outfit Bridgepoint Capital.". Oyez was obviously a trademark of the company providing the forms. So, strike all silly remarks, links etc to Oyez.
Now we are up to Bates Wells and a link to the Madeleine McCann fund. Rubbish! And I have rubbished it elsewhere.
A quick, unrelated leap back to Childline and a lot of slanderous statements, stating that there has been fraudlent documentation and that Companies House must be complicit in this "fraud". This is followed by one of your trips into la la land, when you say the Childline registered address was Royal Mail building and off you go, telling us about the Royal Mail/Horizon scandal and your "opinion" that the Fujitsu/Horizon scandal was not a real issue but rather a diversionary tactic. As you like.
Now for Children in Need (presumably via the Esther Rantzen link?). You state that this was founded by someone named Sunder Mansukhani and the company name was Chocdock Ltd., incoporated 18 January 1990. On 06 April, the name was changed to Children in Need Limited. Now you link Sunder Mansukhani to Max Clifford, Epstein, Maxwell and Christ knows who else and you state that "if we look on the Max Clifford document (where?) there's links all the way through to child abuse concerns". No there isn't.
After some potentially serious allegations, going via way of trying to implicate Social Services you get to "The former NHS Chief Executive from my company". The name you are pointing out is Peter Wanless so let's look at him. Well, Wikipedia describes him as CEO of the NSPCC. That is NOT the same as the NHS! Nowhere in the Wikipedia entry does it mention Exbourne Manor so perhaps a look at that is in order. Nothing there either (other than yourself).
Childrens Promise Trading Ltd is next in the firing line with the usual chorus of "it's obvious fraud". Of course it is! Except to me? So, now Childrens Promise Trading "goes though" to Asthma Enterprises Limited. This has Swift Incorporations in the incorporation document. So what? How many companies do you think the company helped start up, register etc? Again, you refer to your company and mention forged bank documents (again!). Earlier, you had said the bank documents were provided by the bank, so why bring Swift into it (again)?
Next quote:" None of the people on the incorporation documents have ever been registered with Companies House... and there's fraud, very clear fraud all the way though this". The company was first incorporated as Realoke Ltd. Instant Companies Ltd was listed as a director. Now for the epic shock: Instant Companies, Jordan & Sons, Swift Incoporations are all members of the group now trading as Vistra Ltd.! Then, you go off on the "these companies shouldn't exist" etc. That's getting a bit tedious.
Oh dear! Cancer Care for Children changed the name to Clic Sargent Cancer Care for Children. Scandalous! How dare they change their name! And, worse than that, all these companies listed that have used the London Law Agency Limited. "Because they have used a company that hasn't been registered correctly". I have dealt with this one elsewhere so I shall copy & paste my previous findings:
"And off we go, lickety split to look at London Law Agency Ltd. At this point, you wet your knickers and proudly tell us that the company shown on the incorporation does not exist.
Hmmm. Companies House shows that to be a firm of solicitors, based in Wimbledon. No mention of Temple there. Originally incorporated in 1967 with the name Ganvilon Motors Limited, just as pronounced by you with an air of triumph. Aah! in 1969 the company name was changed to The London Law Agency Limited. Yes it was ! Don't argue. Read the entry dated 27 October 1967, especially the part that begins "Special Resolutions were duly passed, 1. That the name of the company be changed to The London Law Agency Ltd."
My original is here:
Now for Phone Paid Services. You bring up the incorporation document, point to the page and say "You can see on there the same person, Temple." Stop! Go back to reading class! The name is Hope and his address is at Temple Chambers. You then say "This guy has never been registered". Who? Temple? Carry on with the reading practice and you will see Mr Hope (NOT Temple) is signing on behalf of London Law Secretarial. Oh God! Off we go again. Temple appears as part of an address, not someone's name.
Moving swiftly along, you bring up the Samaritans and make a big song & dance about how they should really be known as Samaritans (The) as that is the name on the incorporation document. Shame you didn't read the filing on 6th February 2006 which changed the company name from Samaritans (The) to Samaritans. You say this is a deliberate falsification of the register. No, it is NOT!
And now for Esther Rantzen and Silverline. Off we go, pointing out Waterlow links all the way through the fraud (no it doesn't; you have not yet shown a fraud exists) and Waterlow links to De La Rue. You say the Memorandum and Articles of association shows the link to Waterlows. Not on the copy I am looking at, it doesn't. (Doc filed 30 November 2019).
You also say Childline was taken over by the "National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children". What! Protection of cruely? No. The 'P' stands for 'Prevention' (this is the 2nd time in this video you have made the same mistake).
Now for Farrer & Co. They appear to be a legal firm (the address should be a clue, isn't Lincolns Inn Fields a well known hang out of barristers etc?). Google Inns of Court and there it is! Oh and Christopher Belecher is listed as a solicitor.
From here you delve really deeply into la la land, pointing out Robert Clinton and Tony Blair just at random as there is no obvious link on Companies House to either of these.
Ghislaine Maxwell did indeed have a company, Terramar (UK) and the name of faara does indeed crop up on the inocporation document for this company.As the agency confirming that the requirements of the request to incorporate have been complied with. You know; as a solicitor might do.
Now for the great apostrophe hunt. You get your knickers in a twist over Voluntary Sector Mental Health Providers Forum and how the original name, at incorporation, had an apostrophe after the word 'Providers'' So it did. Now if you had bothered to read the filing for 11th April 2006, you would have seen the change of name to the current name; ie without the apostrophe. This apparent failure to read all the info seems a common failing of yours. This wouldn't be bad if it wasn't for the following nonsense about changing the name to facilitate fraud, child traficking etc. Why do you not write to this company and accuse them directly of such offences?
The Royal Society for Public Health? Well, no need to follow your lack of logic. The RSPH provides us with the info that the name was changed from "the (Royal Sanitary Institute to the current name in 1955. End of that mystery. It doesn't help or advance anyone's interests that you call it out as "an absolute fraud offence".
Now you point to a name, saying "now we've got this person" and showing the name of Ben Sumerskill and how he is linked with a real estate company. And nothing else.
Now for Colliers International, incorporated in December 2001, "That is just after the World Trade Centre". As were a lot of events. Matching a year of incorporation with the WTC event does NOT mean any any significant event. I went to Anfield to see Liverpool play in the Champions League game on 11th September 2001. That must surely make me a prime suspect?
And, off we go again linking Teneo Financial Advsiory. Another company I have covered previously and I shan't bother with here.
However, we then get to another piece of stupidity that I have previously covered; your preposterous links to Swift Incorporations to the bank money moving system Known as S.W.I.F.T. A copy from my original document: "I think I ought to point out that S.W.I.F.T, in relation to banking, stands for Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, established in Belgium in 1973, but, of course you knew that didn't you. The Swift Incorporations you are pointing out is a British company whose business is company formations. Imagine that! A company whose business is the creating and registering companies should have their name appear in so many company incorporation documents! They have nothing at all to do with bank data from New York!" There! You must see why I used the term 'stupidity', not out of malice.
I got a bit dizzy when you started darting around all manner of people/entities so I thought I would give your "research documents" a whirl. First I tried was the Nicola Bulley doc. No actual links there to anyone or anything except reprints from news articles and a most ridiculous attempt to smear her husband because he works for BAE Sytems. As do thousands of others!
Next document; you reach a new low. Claiming to provide something about a child protection case (I hope you are not stupid enough to do that, given how protective and secretive the courts are on this subject). What do I find? Nothing! Some baseless claims about children allegedly being murdered in Jersey. Groundless allegations as per your own document.
You post a document, 'BCP Council' which contains some of the daftest tosh I have encountered.
Update: I have, this morning, got my day off to a dreadful start; I clicked on the latest piece of tripe from Richard Vobes (a despicable person in my view). In his latest offering, he is featuring you and here we go. In support of your flakey argument that the whole thing revolves around HMRC (see a dictionary; the pronunciation of the letter 'H' is 'Aitch', not 'Haych') doing various things, including the shutting down of the Self-Employed Line for several months. Well, rubbish! HMRC operates a help line fo tax self-assessment users and it was this that they proposed shutting down during the summer. This was 14 days ago. Very quickly (next day in fact), they rowed back on this and reversed that decision. And that was 13 days ago. Do keep up!
And here we go, totally predictable! The SWIFT banking system..blah blah. Take note; this is NOT a company and therefore merits no entry in the Companies House register. Next is the Swift Incorporations that you mention as being involved in the formation of your own company. I have checked and looked into this so many times in the last week it is making my head spin. Anyway, my findings are listed in this blog. And this is more or less where your troubles begin.
The bottom line:
Your whole host of "links to" etc appears to have all been based on your incorrect assertion that Swift Incorporations and Jordans never existed and therefore all reference to either of these companies must be fake/fraudulent. In fact, all your allegations of links (real or imagined) must fall away as they are all based on an idotic, incorrect and hysterical reading of the facts. You may have genuine grievances re the management of your company (of which you were a director and therefore must bear some responsibility for 14 years). I don't know and can't judge based on what you show as 'evidence'.
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