Monday, April 22, 2024

Speaking out: Part 2

 So, as promised, Part 2.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the internet is infested with various bottom feeders so here's a few that I would happliy place in that category:

1. Mahyar Tousi: I must admit I have never watched  any of his videos but I would judge him to be somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun. Born in Tehran, mummy didn't like it there so they came to the UK. From the thumbnails I have seen on YouTube, he is anti pretty much everything, particularly Palestinians and pro everything else nasty. I believe he has worked for (maybe still does) Talk TV. And currently seems to be shagging Tommy Robinson. (Or at least, is very close to him).

2. Talk TV: pretty much the same ilk as Tousi but rather than a collection of Iranians, this lot seems to be a congregation of Tories who feel the Tory Party is nowhere near right wing enough. A sort of collection of verbal anarchists.

3. The "History De-bunked" plonker:  Claims to be a historian and as straight as an arrow when it comes to opinions. Except for my opinion. I find him to be constantly anti-immigrant, particularly toward people with brown skins. And he has the most ingratiating manner about his little chats.

 4. GBN not news (well, they claim not to be a news channel!) Any organisation that claims to have Anne Widdicombe on their list of players has to be considered beyond the pale. Now, to be fair to them, they had a video on today in which the Jewish trouble maker vs the Met Police (subject of Part 1) was raised and they sought the opinion of a commentator who spent some time defending the Met Police copper. And that's enough of being fair to them!..

5. The whole internet collection of so-called "Auditors". What an arrogant, ignorant buch of time wasters they all are. 

6. One eyed Vobes. What a wally with his carefully modulated Middle Class accent and complete and utter tosh from his various contributors. Among his favourite hobby horses are 'Flat earth shite', 'Chem trails', 'Sovereign Citizens' and their vomit inducing crap. He's a clever old cove though, he rarely, if ever, comes up with anything original or that can be laid at his door. He gets an odd assortment of nincompoops to join him and lets then make as many stupid contributions as they can.

7. This extremely nasty bastard (in a league of his own) seen venting his spleen on a TV interfiew recently, declaring loudly and repeatedly that all Palestinians in Gaza deserve a "hard and agonising death". Check out the moron for yourself here: Don't come to me with claims for Kelvin induced PTSD. In the hierarchy of low life, this bloke is in a league of his own.

8. All so-called newspapers. For a while, I read and trusted the Guardian. No more. (Owen Jones is always worth a watch though). A good example of the high standard of British journalism comes today with the Scum (some call it the Sun). From what I see on the front page of YouTube, today's gem is a huge headline proclaiming that "thousands of British holiday flights are being attacked by dangerous Russians". I must say I can not see what the article itself says as I have not read the Scum for years and don't propose to start now. I amgine it may be along the lines of streams of Ryanair flights en route from UK to Tenerife or Ibiza are being targetted by Russian death rays aimed at them from Vladivostok. (Yes, I know that is an absurd idea but we are talking about a newspaper that knows no bounds when it comes to quoting the absurd as "fact").

I could go on listing these toe rags but that would encompass thousands of YouTube contributors so I shall leave it there (for now).

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