An introduction to Mr. Vobes. My view anyway)
Mr Vobes is one of the aggravating YouTube warriors, hell bent on sowing discord, fairy tales and downright silly crap on an almost daily basis. He seems to be a keen adherent to the "Sovereign Citizen" philosophy and seems to enjoy using his videos to promote their whacky ideas. I see he is also a follower of the"Chemtrail" bullshit that has been bouncing around the internet for quite some time now.
Let's begin, as the saying goes, at the beginning of this vile piece of crap video with the grand title of "We must outlaw state extortion!" That sounds like a lofty and worthwhile ideal so I will run through the 10 minutes of it and see what it has to say:
Right at the beginning, Mr. Vobes launches into an attack on Enforecement Agents. Let me, first of all, start with a question: "If an entity, such as a bank, a purchaser of your goods or services owes you money and are not paying you, how would you resolve that? Sit and moan about it until the end of time? Or, perhaps, go through a legal process and get a court to issue an order for your debtor to pay you what is owed to you?" So, you presumably go down the latter route and, when all else has failed to get you what you are due, an enforcement agent will appear at the premises of the person/entity that is illegally witholding the money that is due to you (your money) and demands, on your behalf, they pay the money. If they refuse, the enforcement agents have to have some form of leverage to either encourage them to pay or to raise the funds otherwise (take goods etc to raise the funds at auction, for example). You will no doubt thank the enforcement agents for doing for you what you have been unable to do yourself. So, we have (or at least, I have) established the need for enforcement agents.
At the start of this diatribe, you say "enforcement agents are making money hand over fist". That statement is either a genuine error/lack of knowledge or a downright lie. Personally, I think it is a lie but let's be kind here and assume it a mistakenly held belief. Well, let's get it straight. They are paid not much above minimum wage and they do not receive eye watering commissions on all they recover. There is generally a bonus system in place but this only applies when cumulative recoveries have reached significant figures and there's perhaps a system of hoops to be jumped through in order to qualify. Any bonuses earned do not relate to the amounts collected on behalf of the injured party.
You then rant on about enforcement agents going after the vulnerable etc saying "Oh, you parked somewhere ..etc". Understand one thing: They do NOT go after anyone, other than those who have, usually, had ample time and opportunity to either settle what they owe or even to appeal the decision. Even then, it is not the decision of the enforcement agent that sees them deciding which door to knock on. They visit those addesses and people as directed by the courts.
Oh hello! Yet another allegation that the agents "seem to be making money left, right and centre". For the avoidance of doubt: They are NOT! See above.
"Where's the crime, where's the victim?" you cry. Well, if you think there may be a crime, there is an organisation dedicated to dealing with that. They are called "The Police". As for "where's the victim?"; refer to my imaginary scenario in my opening paragraph and you are owed lots of money, legitimately. You will soon be crying "But I am the victim here".
You now go on with more tripe, quoting a lady who called you with her ideas on the unvierse and how to fix all its problems. "There's no due process, there's no copy of the warrant" and "if you don't pay, the police turn up and end up aiding and abbetting". Utter tripe! The police only turn up when the agents fear there may be a breach of the peace. I am sure you have seen enough of the other idiot videos, falseley claiming the police are at, for example, an eviction to help the bailiffs. They are not. They are there to ensure the bailiffs are allowed to go about their work in a peaceful and legal manner; acting within the law.
How about warrants? They don't come into these cases. There are writs, of various types and there are orders. So you must be referring to warrants that the Police may obtain.
Continuing with your nutty friend Lizzie. "There is no due process of law...the claim has to be issued in a court of law following the civil procedure rules...they have to have an issued claim with a court seal on it...and it has to be served with a certificate of service and it has to followed with the particulars of the claim and the reason they are making the claim". You jump right on to the looney tunes band wagon and say "...Oh well, their reason is they need a bit of money, you look like a most likely candidate", followed by they are bangining on your door and they intimidate you until you pay. That is a total lie! I might come on to that again later.
She then goes on to say "They used to go through something called the Northampton Bulk Centre. You assume this is a traffic court. It isn't. The court is now known as the County Court Bulk Centre (CCBC). Note that term: "County Court". And off you go stating "It is not a court of law". If only you had searched, as I did, you would see on page 1: "The work at the CCBC is issued in the name of Northampton County Court and comes under the jurisdiction of the judges of that court.
You go off on a ramble about the CCBC not hearing any claims. I assume that might be because the debtor has not challenged the debt. In the event the debtor does challenge the debt, it would no doubt be transferred to the relevant court for a hearing (as you pointed out in the only piece of accurate reporting seen thus far).
Lizzie on the phone says "you must have a right to a fair hearing". And everybody does have that right. Just re-read my previous sentence.
In your vacuuous rant about the traffic enforcement court, you talk about saying to an enforcement agent (presumably) "If you can't produce the warrant". What warrant?
The source of your stupid remarks, "Lizzie on the phone" finishes off your piece with a sem-literate piece which is too silly to merit comment.
1 comment:
He's a menace to his own viewers
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