Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ali Dizaei Saga; NBPA

As a result of the recent conviction of Ali Dizaei, I started looking into some of the things with which he has been involved and one of these is the National Black Police Association, of which he is a past leader.
I do not like racism of any sort and an organisation that restricts its membership, aims and agenda to exclude any other group is racist.
This is regardless of which ethnic group is restricting others, black, white, brown or purple.
For some time, I have wondered how this nation can tolerate the idea of an organisation which seems to boast of its own brand of racism in its name.
Let there be a White Police Association and there will be bloody uproar!
I read a post somewhere in which some mis-guided person wrote that membership of the NBPA is open to anyone, regardless of ethnic origin. I actually believed it, for about 5 minutes.
First I looked up the NBPA's web site and found that none of its leaders, prominent members etc are white.
I looked a the constitution to see what it says about membership.
They skirt around that somewhat by saying membership is open to any of the national Black Police Associations. So that means looking up the membership requirements of the various associations around the country.
At the outset of the NBPA constitution, they include a handy re-definition of the term "Black":
"1.3 The definition of "Black" is one that emphasises the common experience and determination of people of African, African-Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Asian or Asian sub-continent origin to oppose the effects of racism and victimisation".
This tells us 2 things:
1. It is a racist organisation
2. They are thick. "Middle Eastern, Asian and Asian sub-continent origin" all means one thing; "Asian".
Come to that, people of African-Caribbean origin can also be deemed to be of African origin.
Anyway, I checked the Merseyside BPA for their membership criteria, to see if they were a little less woolly about membership requirements. They say:
"Full members must be able to satisfy our constitutional definition of ‘black’. Contrary to popular believe this does not mean you must be must be black as commonly understood, but rather have the ‘common experience and determination’ of people who are, because it is they that are typically far more likely historically and currently, to be on the receiving end of racism. Indeed we have a number of white full members, one of whom is currently an MBPA Executive Committee member."
Which proves 2 things:
1. It is a racist organisation
2. They are thick. Check the spelling and the grammar. Trust me; I copied this directly from their web site:
I don't think I need any more convincing that this organisation is anything other than racist.
If they called their club something along the lines of the "Anti-Racist Police Officers Association" and opened membership to any Police Officer who was determined to stand up to racism in any form, they may get a bit more sympathy.
As they stand, they are to be condemned as racist. Nothing more and nothing less.
Incidentally, did I mention that they are thick?
Here's another gem from one of their affiliated associations, the Met Police BPA:
"The Metropolitan Black Police Association (MetBPA) were very surprised to hear the verdict given on 08.02.2010 regarding the case of Commander Ali Dizaei."
No shit, Sherlock!
To be fair, they do go on to say "
It is imperative that we recognise and respect the decision of the Jury - no one should be above the law." but the damage is done in that first sentence.
(By the way, why does the word jury require a capital J?)
Nice guys that they are though, the web page does include an invitation to their MetBPA Social Dance.
Don't you love these "Social Dances"? Far better than the "Unsocial Dances"!
Tickets are available to all police officers, regardless of ethnic origin (apparently).
Tickets are £12.00 for BPA members and £15.00 for non-members.
Hang on, isn't that discriminatory? Doesn't that mean that officers who don't fit the membership definitions will be obliged to pay the higher price?
I smell scandal!

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